Young Griot Writers Publishing House (YGW) is an entity that was birthed under the Griot Publishing House (formally TRP Books) umbrella in 2010. T'Malkia Zuri, CEO of Griot Publishing has been writing poetry and mysteries since she was 8 years old. Not knowing what to do with her writings, she kept them all in a notebook until she moved away from home. Her notebooks were never recovered!
Ms. Zuri remembers all too well what it was like to be a child with millions of ideas in her head but not knowing what to do with them.
"I can remember experiencing so many unpleasant situations while growing up that I found myself slipping into a deep depression. I didn't have an outlet nor did I know how to express myself verbally so I began writing. I would write about my feelings and how certain situations had affected me. I also enjoyed rhyming so I would write poems about whatever came to my mind. I was also a child who learned to journal, so I spent much of my time expressing my feelings in my little book with a key that Mom had given me for Christmas.
No one really took interest in my gifts of writing; not even my English Teacher. She didn't recognize the gift that I had, so my class became a place of rest for me as I slept everyday during that course. I found myself failing English/Language Arts every year after that. I eventually gave up on writing and decided that I would be a nurse. After attending college for two years, I decided that I didn't want to be a nurse anymore, but I still wasn't clear on what or who I wanted to be. I began to write again, doing research on topics of interest and then writing about them in a notebook. I found myself with about 30 notebooks full of notes from Bible Study to just writing about whatever was on my heart.
In 2007, I took some of the notes in my notebook and self-published my first book "Sister 2 Sister: A Treasured Gift/Repairing the GAP in Sisterhood". Now 3 books later, the owner of 3 publishing companies, a web design company and webhosting, I am truly honored to be in this position to help others to bring to life their writings. I have the desire to help children to express themselves through their writings and to give them the satisfaction of seeing their writings in print”.
Our goal at YGW is to encourage the child to take their feelings, gifts and ideas and put them into words. We promote reading programs, expressive art, one-on-one book coaching and artistic talents to help develop the gifts within each individual. We believe that young writers need a positive role model, someone who can relate to them on their level. That is why we have enlist the services of young writers to assist in the publishing process. To learn more about us, visit the Meet the Publisher page on this site.
Our motto is simple: Creative Thoughts of the Next Generation!