Writing children's books may look easy to those who have skimmed through the pages, but most parents are unaware or perhaps don't even think about what the author has to go through to produce the book. We have compiled this checklist of simple suggestions to those who have the desire to write and publish a child's book.The adult writer must research different areas just to learn how to tap into the ideas and thoughts of young readers alike. Although we applaud many of those who have taken on the task of entertaining our youth, Young World Writers decided to take a different approach to the children's book world. We desire to tap into young minds to produce high quality books that will appease those of their peers. Take time out to view our list below to see the difference between an adult author and a child author.
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ADULT AUTHOR: Must know the age group of your target audience. Write appropriately for this age group.
CHILD AUTHOR: The child doesn't need to know this. Most likely they will be writing something that their peers can relate too. For this reason we chose to limit the age submission from 6-18 years only.
ADULT AUTHOR: Must be careful not to talk down to young readers.
CHILD AUTHOR: Do we need to explain?
ADULT AUTHOR: Challenge young readers by presenting new ideas and concepts to them and teaching those ideas and concepts by weaving them into a lively, fast-paced story.
CHILD AUTHOR: There is nothing better than fresh and new ideas that come from a child. We help them to create a book that can teach others with ideas and concepts.
ADULT AUTHOR: Engage the imagination from the start.
CHILD AUTHOR: We are just crazy enough to believe that one child's imagination can appeal to others.
ADULT AUTHOR: Write straightforward, without a lot of adjectives and adverbs, especially if your target audience is very young.
CHILD AUTHOR: Well, this part should be easy unless we are dealing with a child genius.
ADULT AUTHOR: Think visually. Many books for children contain illustrations.
CHILD AUTHOR: We encourage children to draw many of their own illustrations. However, if the need arises, we will enlist the services of our illustration department.
ADULT AUTHOR: You must think back to when you where a child and try to remember what you did or did not like about books. You can always ask your own children or others that you may know.
CHILD AUTHOR: Now this may not be a bad idea, but we still think by tapping into a child's mind will produce a wonderful children's book with awesome, custom illustration and a heap of imagination all in one production.