We need to have a small assessment of your book. Please visit our assessment page and fill out a quick questionnaire. You may also contact our office for a free consultation, or to answer any questions that you may have.
How do I submit my finished manuscript for printing?
For complete information on submitting a manuscript, please click here.
How long does the process take?
Every job has its own unique set of variables. Once you sign off on the approval for the final draft, you should have your books in hand about 4-7 days.
Do I maintain the rights to my child's book?
Absolutely. At no time do you ever lose the complete rights to your book.
Once I've had my book produced, is getting it re-printed difficult?
No. Once your book has been produced, it is stored at our facilities as a digital file. A simple phone call is all it takes to have your book reprinted.
How much does it cost to produce each book?
The price of producing a book depends on the number of pages and the physical size of the finished book. To check out our publishing prices, please click here. To receive an immediate quotation, please call us toll free at 1-888.600.2011.
Where do I Start?
Take a tour of our website by visiting the links below.
Children’s Book Size Layout
Since the paper your child's book will be printed on comes in specific sizes, it's best to try and keep within more cost effective formats. Another point to consider is that if your book is to be sold in book stores, there are specific formats or book sizes that are preferred by bookstores (and expected by readers). The most common sizes for children’s books are 8X10, 10X8, 8X8, 8.5” by 8.5” or 8.5” by 11”
Children’s Book Cover
The cover of your book is a very important element of your entire book publishing project. We recommend that your cover design be very colorful to capture children's eyes. With Children’s books, the cover not only helps attract the reader, but also helps protect the book from any wear and tare the reader might put it through.
Check out our article titled: 4 Book Binding Types For Children Books
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